Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs)
Understanding the Problem of Arc Faults and House Fires
According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), approximately 40,000 fires are caused annually by problems with home electrical wiring.
Children and Electrical Outlets (Child Safety): Child-proof Outlets
Every parent of young children has at some point worried about their child’s safety around electrical outlets in the home. The outlets are usually installed at a height at or near a child’s eye level, and a child’s curiosity draws them to explore.
Dangers of Aluminum Wiring
Primarily in the 1960s and 1970s, many electrical contractors used aluminum wiring instead of copper wiring as a way to save money and lower construction costs. However, a number of electrical fires have been attributed to aluminum wiring. Many building codes have been rewritten to not allow the use of aluminum wire for branch circuit wiring in houses.
Overloading Circuits
Electricity has enriched our lives. Despite the many benefits, electricity can also bring danger – the most common being house fires. It is estimated that over 40,000 residential fires are caused by electrical systems every year in the United States.1 Causes include arc faults, short circuits, or overloading of electrical circuits. This article discusses overloading electrical circuits.
Importance of Grounding
Without a grounded electrical system, surge protectors will not work as well. Plug-in type surge protectors will not work as well if the electrical outlet is not properly grounded. Surge protectors at the service entrance will not work as well if the electrical system ground is not properly installed.
Federal Pacific Panels - Fires Waiting to Happen
Federal Pacific Electric “Stab-Lok” service panels and breakers are dangerous and can fail, leading to electrical fires. The problem is that some 240-Volt FPE circuit breakers and possibly also some 120-Volt units simply may not work. [NOTICE: 11/10/95 A paraphrase of this article was been posted on Internet in 1995]–Dan Friedman
Federal Pacific Panels - Hazard or Hype
Federal Pacific Panels - Where Sparks Fly
GFCIs Save Lives
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) are not new to home building
Facts about Power Surges
What Are Power (Voltage) Surges?
A power surge is one form of electrical power disturbance. There are four main types of power disturbances:
Surge Protection
How to Choose Surge Protection for Your Home
You may not realize it, but your stereo system, home computer, television, VCR, microwave oven – anything with internal electronic circuits – is under attack every day. The attacks are silent, but destructive.